We invite you to come see our new store, Harmony Haven. It is foremost for Reiki Energy Healing. Reiki sessions are by appointment, and the store will be closed during sessions for peace of mind, relaxation and privacy. We will have a spiritual Store, and more. We will have Crystals, and Pendulums, Chakra stones, Gem stone bracelets, Sage and more. We have new merchandise on its way daily. There will be plans for decorative painting classes also. Lots of fun activities still to come. Animal Reiki will also be available. If Distance Healing is needed, we can certainly help. Reiki sessions are 30 minutes for $35. Or 50 minutes for $50. Animal Reiki sessions are $20
I’ve kept prices less low, and more affordable than 50% of other Practitioners. Please call or text Vicki to make your Appointment,
608-889-0062. For the month of August, there will be a buy one session get one 1/2 off. We will also have a drawing for the month of August for a free session.
An update: Sabrina Dawn will be coming to read Oracle Cards for us.